Our sponsors

On the Team page we have listed our professional partners, without whom the project could not have been came into being. Thank you for their help here as well!
We are very grateful to our financial supporters, since without them we were not able to finance our project.

We gladly welcome any further support for organizing the Hungarian CanSat Competition!
According to our plans, the Hungarian competition will start in the 2019/2020 academic year, and the winner will go to the 2020 ESA competition.
For further information please contact us!

The 2019 Hungarian team, GRLSat also can be supported. In this regard feel free to contact us or contact GRLSat team!

If you like our work, you can help us via supporting the Radio Club Association of Budapest University of Technology and Economics as follows:

Supported association: Műegyetemi Rádió Club Egyesület
Seat of the association: 1111 Budapest, Egry József utca 18.
Contact person of the association: Dr. András Gschwindt (gschwindt@hvt.bme.hu)
Registration number: 01-02-0002414
VAT number: 19005072-2-43
EU VAT number: HU19005072
Account number: 11711034-20331393-00000000
The name of the account managing bank: OTP

We ask you to specify in the “Comment” section during the transfer, that you want to support the HunSat team.
We are happy to name our supporter, who wants to be named. In this case, please specify a name during the transaction, in whose name you supported us and we ask you to send an exact name and a logo to the hunsat@gnd.bme.hu e-mail address, with which the supporter will be published in a few days on our website.

You can also support the work of the Association and the prospective CanSat teams by offering 1% of your tax.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!

Thank you for your support!

The enumeration of our supporters is as follows.

Main supporters:

Further supporters:

Thank you for your help!